Kanoa Agi Mavrick, Energy Medicine Practitioner


Certified Energy Practitioner

I facilitate energy sessions drawing on 23 years of training and personal practice as a certified

  • Shamanic Practitioner

  • Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner

  • Eden Energy Medicine Teacher

  • Space Design Consultant

  • Space Clearing Specialist

  • Reiki Master

  • Meditation Teacher

What is an energy session?

Energy imbalances are a part of being human. In an energy session, I facilitate transformation to restore harmony and balance.

Every session is unique because each of us is unique. For each session, we presence what shows up in the moment and meet it with the tools and modalities that are most beneficial. 

Energy sessions are experiential. Together, we tap into innate energies and invite the possibilities of transformation. 

“Change can go both ways, forward and back. Transformation is when you permanently step into a new reality.”

What happens in an energy session?


Sessions are offered remotely. I invite you to find a comfortable place in your home where you will not be interrupted. We connect via phone/video and I use sound, guiding questions to help you step out of the logical mind. In every session, I offer my extensive training and well-honed intuition.

Every session is approached with curiosity and ALL is welcome. We work with WHAT IS. Addressing the physical body and the energetic body, I guide you to go deeper and help you recognize the underlying emotions that cause imbalance, pain, discomfort, and unease. Using time tested tools, energy blockages are found and released.

Everything is energy and energy wants to move. I guide you toward embodying possibilities you couldn’t see before. You come away feeling refreshed and with new insights. All of the shift comes through you. I am simply the facilitator of your own transformation.


During and after a session, my clients express a sense of relief, freedom, peace, love, and well-being that translates into: 

  • Improved physical health

  • Pain relief

  • Financial abundance

  • Fulfilling relationships

  • Harmonious family dynamics

  • Clearer purpose

  • Joyful presence

  • Spiritual awareness

  • Deeper connection with Self

What my clients say:


“Working with Kanoa is unlike any therapeutic experience I’ve ever had.”

— Jacki R., Woman Uprising

“Kanoa has an amazing gift. I was able to release some deep, stuck energy in a way that I’ve never experienced.”

— Susan C., Conscious Conception

“I was able to access parts of my body and mind that I otherwise never would have, and left the session feeling lighter, clearer, and more at peace than I ever thought imaginable.”

— N. Th., Personal Trainer

“My session with Kanoa powerfully released a major energy blockage I had been experiencing for some time.  Using her special gifts, I was able to leave our session lighter, freer and re-energized. “

— Danielle N., Neville Wellness

“Kanoa is an amazing, powerful, and gentle healer. I felt such relief, expansion, and freedom after the session. Physically, my neck was no longer stiff, and my throat opened up. I did some vocalizations after the session and didn’t realize until then how restricted my throat and neck had been. I was able to hold more breath and sound longer and with more strength.”

— Kari B., Marketing Director

“Kanoa is one of the rare gems that walks this planet. A true shaman, she guides your spirit to uncouple from ego as you discover what most needs healing and release.”

— Yvette G., Life Coach

What is Space Clearing?

Just like our physical bodies can experience blockages; buildings can also accumulate energies that effect the vibration of any given space. Space clearing offers the opportunity of reset and to set intentions for the highest good of the current occupants and current business in case of commercial buildings. We are connected to the spaces we live and work in and as such, space clearing does not only benefit the home or space of business, space clearing benefits everyone who inhabit those buildings.

Moving beyond energetic space clearing; we look at the importance of clearing on the physical level. Clearing out can be a challenging and even intimidating experience. Having someone to hold space and guide us while releasing what no longer serves us can help ease the feelings of discomfort, indecision, guilt and so on. Again, we work with ‘What Is” in any given moment without judgment and criticism and welcome all that shows up during the process of letting go.

Please email to set up your complimentary call to discuss your space clearing needs.

What my clients say:


“Highly recommend Kanoa’s work in energy clearing for the home.  We felt more at ease, harmonious, and “unstuck” in our house after the clearing.  Kanoa was intuitive, thorough, and helped us work through our own energy blockages and emotions as they surfaced during the process. The minor adjustments she recommended made a noticeable difference in the feel and flow of the space. We’ve also really appreciated her follow up post-clearing, which reflects her genuine desire to help. Thank you, Kanoa! ”  

— Wendy L. 

“ There is no better testament to the power and beauty of someone’s work than guests of my home describing a feeling of calmness and serenity inside my space. Kanoa was able to totally revitalize and move energy inside my home to help create the environment of safety and serenity that I had always envisioned. Just as I regularly organize my physical items I will now be adding regular energy clearings to my routine thanks to Kanoa! ”

— Liz H.

"Kanoa is a truly gifted woman. She helped clear my new home (and even me!) of stuck energies that were keeping me and my family from living in our highest vibration. Her attention to detail and keen listening skills facilitated a beautiful process from beginning to end. Our home now has a warm, beautiful, easy feel to it and we feel truly connected with the energy there. It is so amazing to have this fresh start in our new home. I cannot recommend Kanoa's space clearing services enough!”

— Jamie G. H., The Right Approach to Education 

"Kanoa's work is deep and profound. Her energetic clearing for me and my home was life-changing! I knew intuitively this is the medicine I needed in this time of transition for myself and my girls and I'm so grateful I followed my gut on this once again. I feel so grateful for the intention and thoughtfulness and healing skill Kanoa poured into the experience. Since Kanoa's clearing, I have a renewed sense of ease, connection, and spaciousness in my body, heart, and mind. I've always loved our beautiful home and I love it even more now. I know I will be working with Kanoa for years to come. Thank you dear Kanoa for these gifts!”

— Rochelle McL.

Space Design and the magic of Feng Shui

Utilizing the principles of Feng Shui; homes are given a fresh boost of energy. Specific colors/shapes and furniture placements optimize the areas of Health, Relationships and Success. Feng Shui unlocks the hidden protentional in one’s home and business environment.

Please email to set up your complimentary call to discuss your space design needs.

What my clients say:


“My family has been burdened by an imbalance of suppressed emotions and hoarding behavior for as long as I can remember.  The weight of this burden has been felt most heavily by my mother, who has been stuck and trapped by a mountain of things she inherited, including both physical possessions and mental/emotional patterns.  When my mom and I decided that we wanted to sell her house and move across the country together for a fresh start, neither of us had any idea where to begin or how we would achieve this. 

Now, after having worked with Kanoa and my mom in clearing out her house, I can’t imagine a better person for the job.  Kanoa was born for this type of work.  She is the complete package: professional organizer, packer, mover, counselor/therapist and energy healer.  When she says, “Everything is welcome,” she truly means it.  My mom and I have gone through the full rainbow of emotions during this process, and she has met us at every step with deep wisdom, compassion, joy, humor and sincere admiration and appreciation for our stories and our healing process.  Kanoa used a variety of skills and techniques to help us process and release.  The result has been truly miraculous.  My mom and I were already close, but we have grown even closer through this process and developed an even greater respect and appreciation for each other’s needs, desires, feelings and boundaries. When we began, our energies and emotions were very cloudy and tangled up.  Kanoa has helped us tremendously to achieve clarity, untangle the mess, and to become more grounded and present in our bodies and in our decision-making process.  Instead of dreading what at first seemed like a daunting, stressful, impossible task, we now feel excited to do the work and look forward to moving, and to a new future full of possibilities which Kanoa has brought alive and made real for us.  Hiring her was the best decision we ever made!

— Heather

Eden Method Classes

As a certified Eden Energy Medicine (Eden Method) Teacher, I delight in the opportunity to share the magic of Eden Method and the simple tools used to optimize vitality.

Classes are fun, hands on and foster the deeper understanding of ourselves & our unique energies

Next 1-hour classes will be posted here
Relieve Anxiety and Stress
Relieve Pain
Balance Hormones

About Kanoa Agi

I have studied healing arts since 1996, when I “by chance” met people who were hands-on healers. I became fascinated by the positive transformation the healing sessions brought to people’s lives. I immersed myself in learning as much as I could, following a journey that led to certifications in Shamanism, Eden Energy Medicine (now known as The Eden Method), and Reiki. I became a davidji Certified Meditation Teacher in 2018. I am currently studying Human Design, BioGeometry and the application of Tuning Forks in space clearing and energy sessions. I highly value continually immersing myself in learning about different healing approaches and simultaneously widening my knowledge and fine tuning my intuition. I was raised in Hungary and currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area.


90 Min Session

Schedule a one-time remote session. Great if you are new to energy work and want to discover how an energy session can support you.


Prepaid Four-Session Package

For the cost of four 90 min sessions, you get five 90 min sessions you can schedule within 12 months.

Contact Me
